Therma Waterproof Type "T"


Includes NIST-Traceable calibration certificate Type T thermocouples ±0.2 degrees C meter accuracy Backlight Includes Hold, Max and Min functions Switchable degrees C or degrees F New version of our popular MicroTherma Series makes use of a unique line of high-precision type T thermocouples. The combined result gives you the best accuracy available in handheld thermocouple measurements. Type T thermocouples ±0.2 degrees C meter accuracy Includes Hold, Max and Min functions and Backlight Switchable degrees C or degrees F Replacement version of our popular MicroTherma Series makes use of a unique line of high-precision type T thermocouples. The combined result gives you the best accuracy available in handheld thermocouple measurements. Each Therma Waterproof Type T includes a traceable cal certificate with actual test data. Although our precision thermocouples provide the best possible accuracy for interchangeable probes, the Therma Waterproof Type T also allows a "system-cal" adjustment to offset any probe errors. The Therma Waterproof Type T is compact, easy-to-operate and reliable. Compare specs with the best our competition offers and you'll agree that this is a great price for so much precision. Choose probes from our broad line of type T thermocouples.

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